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3.33/5 (168 votes)
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donwloadUploaded on 27/10/02
Five Robots produce oranges. Only one little mistake by one of the robots disturbes the harmony and leads to total chaos. A metaphor for the world, for life and its complex backgrounds. BIOS is a 3D animated short film, done at the "German Film School" as final work for the 2nd semester.
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Shail on 21 March 2007
Hello , anyone got the music from the Bios animated film?I am searching for the music. Please make me know;)Thanks
DD on 6 December 2003
this one is among my favorites here. It may seem a bit confusing and long at first view but compositionwise its great! and i think it isnt that importaint which roboter does what than the general play... a parody to machines ;)
reblchick on 28 March 2003
*yawn* I pretty much fastfowarded this short, making it even shorter. I think that the frames should not jump so abruptly from one view to another. Close up! Pan out! Tightest close up! Pan right! It's already so confusing with each robot looking alike and with cinematics like that, you actually lose the audience's orientation. The music was nice though.
Lord of Chaos on 31 January 2003
As long as this is an all english site you should write in english, too. Shouldn't you Atze.

I appreciated this short very much. The sound is fabulous. None of this mainstream stuff. It perfectly suits the great design and artwork you created.

Yak, the story is kinda crap. But if you tried to reflect the global chaos mankind produces all day long you prefectly hit the point.

Keep up the good work and release your other stuff, too. It's worth it.

See ya!
Atze on 30 October 2002
Na ja,
da habt Ihr Euch ja ganz schön einen abgerendert.
Schönes Design, schön zurückgenommen, kann man wirklich nix zu sagen.
Was soll dieses Kameragefahre? Man rafft nix. Wir haben zu sechst davor gesessen und es nicht verstanden.
Mal ist der linke Roboter wichtig, mal der rechte, kaum hat man den Überblick, schwupp ist schon wieder alles anders.
Warum immer solche bedeutungsschwangeren Endzeit-Szenarien? Gibt es nichts lustiges?
Gibt es eigentlich nur weisse Roboterarme? Was sagt Bjork dazu?
Ewig diese Tiefenunschärfe, da fehlen ja nur noch Blendenflecke.
Was machen die eigentlich? Fummelt jeder an seiner eigenen Apfelsine rum oder geben die sich die Dinger gegenseitig weiter? Von links nach rechts oder von oben nach unten?
Irgenwie fehlen die Höhepunkte, und warum hauen die sich am Ende?
Sind am Schluß alle tot? Was kommt danach? Äpfel?
Schöne Servomotorsounds würden dem ganzen sicher gut tun, auch um die einzelnen Robos zu unterscheiden.

Ansonsten aber: Weiter so!