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3.17/5 (65 votes)
Downloads : 12235
donwloadUploaded on 27/10/01
"Mano" is Dror's first 3d movie.
It is about a lock named "Mano" which has lost his key while sleeping.
The movie was made as his first project in 3d animation "camera obscura" (a school of visual arts in Israel). He used 3dmax as main 3d program and after effects for some basic effects.
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Carrion on 6 November 2001
This is a little 'fun' animation. Nothing flash or interesting really. Just a bit of fun. Many cuts are out of place and the scene depth is very low. Still, it seems the animator has decided to be funny, first and foremost. However, the quality of the animation seems to dim this objective. (**---)