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donwloadUploaded on 23/1/02
An homage to the work of Ron Fricke, Timescape is a day in the life of a city.
See the world evolve from sunrise to sunset.
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Zasu on 29 May 2006
Koyaanisqatsi was the first film I ever purchased (and still treasure) - so I enjoyed this very much - I didn't know it was an homage to Fricke before watching - Well done!
Burn on 28 September 2004
This was done in my hometown and I must say very well done at that the only thing I would have liked to see a lot more of the nightime
Richard Zen on 27 January 2004
Excellent short film and very well put together.
Quite a brilliant short film actually. IMO, the film captures the work and spirit of Fricke very well.

Congradulations to everyone who made Timescape.
T-Bomb on 24 January 2004
What an insult to Reggio and Fricke. If you (Pappas) want to create an homage, make it a successful one. Don't waste my time.
Finiderire on 18 December 2002
Watched it the 2002, 17th december, at the end of a work day.
First term coming to my brain : "Fourmilière" (i'm a french guy)
traduct "Fourmilière" as Ants home...
Brattychickjess on 18 December 2002
After watching this I realized that you never take the time to see the beautiful things that are around you. Whether it be construction, traffic or the sun shining thru the trees. Beauty is what these guys must have seen when doing this film. The music was perfect for the way everything moved about. I give you props!
feverend on 12 December 2002
good lord that was excellent. well done gents. I hope everyone sees this little film you've created. \Feverend/
curmudgeon on 31 October 2002
The camera work was fine but I don't call
time lapse photography 'a movie'. This has no
story line. The critical first 45 seconds
had so little action in it I wasn't sure if it
was a still image. There are cliched formulas
for writing stories. There's a reason for them.
People like them. If you're going to stray from
them you gotta be better than this.
Blammo119 on 13 April 2002
A super huge file, but worth it this is a genuine masterpiece of a film.It makes up for the long wait for dial-up users with its long run time!
Scadman on 2 April 2002
An aural and visual treat that tells the story of a day in a city using great shot selections and a very fittinig soundtrack! Wonderful!
Danny on 27 March 2002
Very interesting idea for a short film. Great camera work. I'm impressed. The music is very good also. I give it a 9/10. Very good work. Keep it up :o)
SamuraiYoda on 27 March 2002
Great stuff. Really creative and altogether goodness. I give it a 9/10. I couldnt find anything wrong with it and I thought it was well worth my time.

Dudelove on 25 March 2002
Kinda cool...too bad I figured out the city about 30 seconds into the short...and I have to live in it. Somebody who posted a comment earlier got it right: it is boring...and I get to look at the short in slo-mo every day!
atari on 1 March 2002
Whoa! Nicely done. Beautiful photography. If I am not mistaken, Fricke did camera and editing on "Koyaaniskatsi".

If you enjoyed that or "Baraka", then you'll enjoy this short film.

Great stuff!!
Oli on 23 February 2002
Well, the idea is definitely taken from Godfrey Reggio's "Koyaanisqatsi". It's nice, but not new. Slightly boring.
eisle on 14 February 2002
COOL! Slick flick guys! And a film that isn't chalk full of CG for once is a nice change.

I'm not sure if I'd classify this as a 'new age' or modern visual art type film. Definetly experimental. But a very nice feast for the eyes.
nerdie on 13 February 2002
ha, deleted it after watching 2 mins of it. nice. but not new, and too repetitive.

flint1 on 8 February 2002
A Brilliant little short.
Beautiful cinematography and a great original concept for a short film. Wicked stuff! Keep it up.

boyracer3000 on 7 February 2002
Cool work. Captures a busy city perfectly by never stopping. The music couldn't be better for this type of film.
Kitten on 28 January 2002
I think it is very well done. The music is well written and suits the ambiance of the film. Good work gentlemen.
Sentinel on 28 January 2002
What can I say? Perfect. These two know what to do, and how to do it. All digital baby, and that's what makes it great.
Pixelwks, its OBVIOUS you like to smoke crack and watch He-man cartoons. This is definitely good work, and you definitely don't know what you're talking about.

- Sentinel -
Cepero on 25 January 2002
Nice work! Now this is a small world :) I made one of the shorts listed on this site and I actually work in one of the buildings shown in this film. So I will use this oportunity to publicly say the security guards at that building are a bunch of jerks. The rest of the people who live in Canada are pretty cool tho.

Kayantic on 25 January 2002
I have to say i'm impressed. Great work, and keep it up!
pixelwks on 24 January 2002
I usually don’t like to disagree when the opinions are so strong, but all I see here is time-lapse footage of what seems to be a pretty ugly city. I’ve never been to Ottawa, but I’m sure it looks better than this. I saw bus stops, road construction and tunnels, big deal. What are you other people praising?
Eeron on 24 January 2002
Very well put together.

Very impressive cinematography and editing style. I like the music too. A bit long for what it was, but over all very very clean.

Cool stuff.
Spawn of Doom on 24 January 2002
Damn fine work! Beats the reast of the junk i see on here. Nice....
The Magistrate on 24 January 2002
I would like to leave my thoughts on this movie. First of all i come from ottawa and ive lived here 15 years and i've truely forgotten how beatiful it can be when you look at it from another persons eyes. Whoever made this took a simple idea and made it stunning. The different shots captivated my attention along with very well written music. Im once again proud to see the oc transpo buses that ive hated seeing for along time.

-The magistrate
galagant on 24 January 2002
Great short.
I've also seen this film on the
website and I liked then as much as I like it now. A good little homage. Well made.

chevster on 24 January 2002
"best episode ever"