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A Malaysian Friday

4.16/5 (604 votes)
  by Tajino
Downloads : 42645
donwloadUploaded on 5/2/01
This photorealistic CG animation will show you a normal day of a Malaysian man. You will be impressed by the sets : the trees, the house, the water, ... all seems so real.
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dat48 on 10 October 2007
Thank you for letting us download and see your animation - well done.
boy_O_boy on 4 October 2006
nice , the modeling and texturing is good. but the animation is bad.. have to improve a lot in animation. maybe you are interested in modeling and texturing . but you can get someone else to animate . or else you will have to improve a lot in animation.put more effort in animation.... GOOD LUCK
mi on 5 May 2005
dia punya modelling mantap, tapi dia punya texture tak taulah sama ade dia gune photo sendiri atau ambik dari cd kat low yat.lagi satu dia punya character animation punyalah macam kayu..kau pakai basic fk ke ? pasal tak guna soft ik utk character rigging kau tu?apasal tak tunjuk cara org tua tu pegang barang , mimik muka?cuma dua bendalah aku kagum ....cloth simulation dan fluid dynamic.itu pun sebab aku tak reti nak buat.
Ijan on 2 November 2004
CGI sepenuhnya untuk MF. Untuk projek seterusnya, bolehtak awak hasilkan satu movie yg digabungkan antara persekitaran dan watak manusia sebenar dgn kesan khas CGI sepertimana yg digunakan dlm filem-filem Hollywood spt LOTR ke, Spiderman2 ke...etc.
Guitbox on 15 September 2004
Booteefull mon! Nuff said.
DreamStiller on 14 August 2004
Tahniah, walaupun dah lebih kurang 3 tahun animation ini dikeluarkan.Saya baru sahaja tenok,itu pun secara tak sengaja.Restecpa!Everything is GREAT EXCELLENT & AWESOME.Yes i am expecting "Malaysian Friday II".Eventhough the movement is a bit stiff as stated as one of the commenters earlier,he did also point that by using "motion capture" it could enhance the movement.I do believe so,but the thing is i wonder if that technology has reached here in Malaysia even after 2-3 years after the short movie was made.Even so the animation and sound/music narration still impress me.And btw could someone email me the new link for the official site , coz i dont think is working anymore.It linked me to this site.Again, Congratulations to the author,Tajino.
Ilhami on 4 May 2004
plz visit my Malay weblog tq

tq so much
Tim Thaler on 28 January 2003
Really touching, your way of looking at daily life. You immediately enable a human sharing with your protagonist as if I was at his side (something that sci-fi stuff never does, because it aims at escaping from our lives).

Technically, ... well, a creation like yours gives me the feeling that it can be worthwhile to learn such techniques instead of painting with watercolors.

Yours, Tim (Germany)
bond_JKT on 15 November 2002

I think your short animation is good and looking
almost perfect, when the first time i seeing your animation i,am so interest about your textures material and environtmen looks really real . i know u use digital camera for your realistic textures into object (nice trick)
ill be waiting " amalaysian friday II" its cool movie ,it's a great work ,and dont forget photoshop for your textures
Rafhigashi on 25 September 2002
allo mr. malaysian friday...saya cuma ingin menabik anda....saya begitu kagum dengan cara anda mapping texture....memang hebat....boleh tak anda ajar saya ......
hazmal' zuber on 28 August 2002
saluTEEE!!!! i think it's this is the best one ever produce by a malaysian....well can u give information on how can i get to learn or study this LIGHTWAVE....
NASHRUL on 26 August 2002
hili zull fadleyz on 19 August 2002
cool,huh!! u do da' best!
keep up the good work!
i'll be waiting for the "A Malaysian friday II"
ekekekeke ;)
Rico on 3 August 2002
uiii gempak..
gua caya lu ngan caya gua sekali
N305er on 24 July 2002
For those who don't really know about 3D animation, or haven't really seen much of them, let me tell you that A malaysian Friday is just this good. Not the best or whatsoever. Just plenty of hardwork and time, then with some telent and luck, you got it.

The use of lighting (shadows) isn't really impressive. No gradient stuff at all and movement is a little out.

However, I do like the way the bathroom door closes! :)

Good luck...
Been waiting for the completion since year 2000
apai on 19 July 2002
nice 3d grafix --> Malaysian's Friday
best 3D film in malaysia now
-the water looks like glass
-the movement sometimes is very slow
-the sound like footsteps doesn't fit to
their movement.

that my comment. hope anoter 3d film will improve this spec and have more morality in that film.
pots on 13 March 2002
good luck my
esami on 6 March 2002
if is there any word better than "fantastic"to say ,i will say it for this work.
arjuna on 1 March 2002
sebenaryee aku tengah download movie nie... tapi dari apa yang aku dengar daripada komen komen kat sini..... macam best giler jeee....

nie yang aku tak sabar nie...

woiiii cepat la kasi aku download....woiiii tak sabo den raso nie hah.......

tapi apa apa hal.... ko telah membuka mata kitorang bahawasanya malaysia bolehhhhhhh...

yehhhh.... good luck men....
moongypsy on 22 January 2002
I think what Jin Ho has done is amazing. The detailed texture really sets it apart - the rusty water pipe, the water pail, the mossy bits in the well; it all looks so real! Great lighting effects. Only someone who pays great attention to details can do this.

Regarding the character's stiff and floaty movement, I've heard from someone in the industry that the only way you can create realistic movement is by using "motion capture" where you actually attach sensors to a real person who moves, and transfer the data into the computer. This is what those Japanese games producer do. No doubt Tan Jin Ho knows about this and perhaps someday he'll have the chance to upgrade 'A Malaysian Friday'.

Way to go Jin Ho!

Zoink on 19 January 2002
Your animation is "wow" ... When is the full version coming out ..can't wait to see it. great job, cool graphics and great animation .
blurring_out on 7 December 2001
oh man, this got ta be the best malaysian 3D animation i'd ever seen. you ROCKS! hope there'll be more where this came from :) way to go Tajino!
Kenshi_xii on 2 December 2001
Awak telah buat sesutu pembaharuan dalam bidang Multimedia yang masih baru kat Malaysia ni...
terutamanya dalam bidang animasi 3D.
Tapi...tak semestinya sempurna...
Saya kurang jelas dengan mesej dalam animasi ringkas ini...dan
Saya nasihatkan awak supaya mengambil pandangan orang Islam terlebih dahulu sebab dalam animasi ini, ada yang tak betulnya seperti komen-komen yang telah anda terima.
Antaranya ialah waktu azan yang tidak betul dan laungan azan yang tidak habis..
walaupun pakcik itu telah masuk di dalam rumah,
tetapi takkan tak dengar langsung kut..
Saya harap awak menerima teguran ini sebagai teguran membina...
TAHNIAH sekali lagi...
sin on 18 November 2001
Good effort! Animation need to be improved especially character animation, avoid the common mistake by most of the 3d animators-->floatty or weightless, and also it would be nice to inject personality into him like.. is the old guy tired or...? Modelling of the old guy is okay, otherwise, nice establishing shot, textures, background, mood , reflection of lifestyle in malaysia village are excellent!
kery on 31 October 2001
Waaa lawa siiiiiioooooooottt...This is the best i have seen.Good job man!!!
Wey aku nak bikin macam ko gak laaa.Tapi stock lighwave takder lagi laaa.Ko cari untuk aku leh??Apa apa hal ko memang power..Conggratzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!
Esah-Gesto on 23 October 2001
first time i tengok u nyer animation .. i ingatkan videoclip ke .. rupenye 3d animation .. perhhhh ... real say . perhh .... caya lah!
noaccessx on 10 October 2001
i think it would be the best if you can handle a forum where you trained people how to do it. i'm sure that there is another person who also have talent like you and maybe you two can link together. :)
skywalker on 5 October 2001

You're really good....hopefully you will be the second Ahmad Shahril(this guy who created an effect in hollywood movie)
azools on 4 October 2001
The animation is outstanding...You are great Jin Ho. I noticed about your movie in one of local computer magazine and after I download it, are superb !
abe on 3 October 2001
hello, last week i saw a preview at TV3, and i surf it and as i say,wooo...what can say, i'm speechless, as muslim, well...i say that's a great job u've done there and as malaysian i proud of it.It much more better than Final Fantasi X, 3D animated i've bought. I'm hoping you can keep up your good work and make it our malaysian 3D animated movies to the great future.
khelben on 29 September 2001
i like it alot....

Posted by John: "Very ordinary - whats the point"

cant u c??.....its most obvious for cryin out loud....beat it john,
Manager Kemat MOE on 28 September 2001
well done!!!

cicak on 27 September 2001
Good Concept .. animation on motion should be improve.. like how the old man walks... your scenery looks like at 10 o'clock or something.. but what i know is azan should be in the afternoon.. good texture.. 8 out of 10. GOOD JOB. by the way.. cd pirate ker original.. hehehhe...
cowchickenz on 25 September 2001
hmm.. i didnt get it.. tuh org azan tuh masuk waktu apa.. nak kata subuh matahari dah tegak atas kepala.. tapi scene nampak cam waktu pagi.. tapi azan apa ekk.. nak kata azan zohor apsal org tua tuh tak bersiap-siap nak pegi solat jumaat, azan asar mungkin kott.. tapi apa sebenarnya yg dia nak tunjukkan dengan malaysian lifestyle on friday..thinx b4 get use to it..
awak on 25 September 2001
u memang bes laa..
I can appreciate the effort that went into making this, but I also think it's an excellent example of the problem with photo-realism in computer animation. The look of it is beautiful but the motion of the figure is very stiff and floaty. I think it's due to inconsistancy of small details in the figure's movement. We tend to overlook these in abstracted figures but there's no hiding it in photo-realism. Still, it was a nice effort!The opening was cool man! Setting looks really real. Man's a bit haggard stiff but still seem quite real. Mo sound pls? And oh, when's the continuation - I'll keep checking - but no pressure intended here. Bet you're gonna get better at this - share some tips, esp on the software you are using.

The opening was cool man! Setting looks really real. Man's a bit haggard stiff but still seem quite real. Mo sound pls? And oh, when's the continuation - I'll keep checking - but no pressure intended here. Bet you're gonna get better at this - share some tips, esp on the software you are using. Exccelent work. Probably you can furhter study
MSc or PhD on 3d animation or related. Look at CGI technology as in Final fantasy the spirit within.
Or probably you can go to Eurofine Sdn Bhd. which currently they are implementing
Multimedia on demand(MOD) application prototype somehwere at KL. to commercialise. MOD is
an Interactive Television. People use television to browse, watch any movie or any content at any time and interactive.
good luck.....

ayen on 25 September 2001
firstime aku tengok kat tv..aku ingat real movie..rupa2nya 3d animation...aku ingat mata aku dah rabun teruk pasal aku memang pakai cerminmata...fuhhh very real....tahniah dan juga terimakasih kerana memuatkan suara azan sebagai muzik latar. Aku suka dengar yang itu.
kepada saudara2 sekelian terutamanya VEVE...the music at the beginning itu ialah suara AZAN yang mengajak orang sembahyang/solat...antara maksudnya ialah..

good luck Tajino
anda masih muda
semuga anda mendapat hidayah dan terus berjaya.
fariz on 24 September 2001
caya la lu...
s ikram on 24 September 2001
malaysia boley...jin ho boley!!
marvelous man...u're superb!!!
Mohd. Zuhdi on 24 September 2001
Salute to you...tajino
da' character, da' environment, da' architecture, da'prop, and da' background sound, semua kombinasi ini membuatkan 'A Malaysian Friday' look diffrence and perfect with a fully value of art. Kamu dah jumpa satu dari berjuta-juta permata dalam Islam. Maybe like Armstrong
Malaysian proud of you. Good job dan mungkin ia boleh dikomersialkan satu hari nanti.
syahira on 23 September 2001
cool......congratulation to u.....
blur on 23 September 2001
cool man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Penjejak_LinkIn on 23 September 2001
Saya amat berminat dengan penghasilan animasi melalui komputer. Namun saya tidak berpeluang untuk belajar dan tidak tahu dimana hendak belajar cara menghasilkan animasi 3d seperti cerita "Malaysian Friday". Boleh kah saya tahu bagai mana hendak menghasilkan Animasi 3d ?
fa_8 on 23 September 2001
its cool movie.its look real.this is a first times
i look the prefect movie.yeah its really cool
OReNGe on 22 September 2001
fui yo gua caya lu....fist time aku tengok org m'sia boleh buat animation that's very nice ade nilai yg berharga
jojie on 22 September 2001
Nice work.... Keep up ur good work... Hope there'll something new from you...I'll waiting for it... Congratulation...
Zul on 22 September 2001
huiyoooo....wa caya sama lu laaaa....3D giler...
sama macam cerite Final Fantasy!
buat la filem lak...lagi best!eerrr....boleh ajar tak?kalau boleh bagi tau...hehehe...
lu memang best...Malaysia Boleh!!!
:: aKu zUl :: on 22 September 2001
Fuyoo memang best giler punyer...pakai software aper har..???
Zura on 22 September 2001
eyna on 22 September 2001
huiyyoooooo!!!!!giler gempak aaa..mmg best!!:)
Faint'D on 22 September 2001
wahhh.. gongxi.. gongxi..
Malaixiya neng!!
yana on 22 September 2001
Anak Malaysia...
Congratulation.. Memang BEST!!
NeoScore1 on 18 September 2001
need alot of work for character animation, the scene looks nice, but hey anything looks decent with paint effects, keep working with your skill with character animation and your animation would have been decent to look at
atiqurrahman smssmj on 15 September 2001
This is a great creation.At the first moment I see it, I feel it is a development of the movie area in Malaysia.So, I hope this animation series will be improved to be a succesful movie.Go over and over!!
ira on 12 September 2001
it is wonderful
it look real
Ricky on 11 September 2001
You don't have to get even a comment for all of
this man.. Every livings in this world who saw it
will have only these words in their mind! Very
good! Excellent! Bravo! Keep on with it!
Proud of you! Bla bla bla..! Why we haven't heard
any 3D movies created by you in the market?
catman on 1 September 2001
amature huh I think not this is the best movie I have seen on the net so far... that and all the buffy movies I have downloaded but this one is really good :)
Poyak&Ellen on 30 August 2001
Wow...Gempak la lu jin ho
Kita orang respect sama lu taiko,
Tapi harus diingat kami orang yang akan mencabar animasi awak
jangan terkerjut akan keluar animasi yang bertajuk
"Jumaat Di Malaysia"
Jangan gentar ok...
jacqueline on 25 August 2001
great job, jin ho. I am very much impressed. Well, its even greater in having you to make our country proud of you. Wish you all the best in all your future undertakings and well...I guess since you've graduated from LICT, we've lost a great you. Do come back to visit us...! All I can say, "You're superb!"
dingin on 21 August 2001
cool ma...
a-ToK on 17 August 2001
hai...your movie very nice, but can i sugget... why not you make it the long movie like must be got starting and the ending the mean you put it in the CD then Sold .
own on 5 August 2001
hmmm..memang real lahh...y frend show me this ...aku amik keputusan nak d/l sendiri kat pc aku...texture..modeller..color scheme..memang real abih..go tajino...proove it..!!
KNDBoyz a.k.a Ali Kamarulzaman on 5 August 2001
I Like very much this story and the graphics .... go malaysia go...
nAkAtA on 31 July 2001
You have made the world realize the existence of MALAYSIA in the field of 3D Animation. Create a full length movie and you will truly be acknowledge worldwide.
Veve on 29 July 2001
Very good.
The music in the begining of the movie is even more beautifull.. Whats that?
bob on 26 July 2001
Exccelent work. Probably you can furhter study
MSc or PhD on 3d animation or related. Look at CGI technology as in Final fantasy the spirit within.
Or probably you can go to Eurofine Sdn Bhd. which currently they are implementing
Multimedia on demand(MOD) application prototype somehwere at KL. to commercialise. MOD is
an Interactive Television. People use television to browse, watch any movie or any content at any time and interactive.

nidf on 25 July 2001
It's nice movie.
I'm interest to learn it from you,Tajino
Pito on 25 July 2001
Nice work beb... Malaysia Boleh.
razif on 25 July 2001
Tan Jin Ho, Lim Kok Wing Malaysian Creative Inntitute, Click Grafix Sdn. Bhd. dan Malaysia

Seluruh rakyat Malaysia BANGGA dengan anda
ron on 24 July 2001
o my God... it is ssssoo beautiful!
darul takaful on 24 July 2001
memang best..
tambah best sebab ada azan berkumandang disepanjang set
tahniah pada tajiro..
the movie speaks some of the beauty of Islam
azmiothman... on 24 July 2001
Love your imaginations.....
Boleh belajar tak...(f)..(f)..(f)..
wong jowo banting sel on 23 July 2001
buat la cuma macam iklan..kejab aje.
tak berapa glamor.ok
zuriah on 23 July 2001
Congratulation & fantastic. Keep explore.....
digitalArtappreciator on 23 July 2001
aaawweee.....SOME!!!!!!! i am fully motivated now that MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!
nisa on 23 July 2001
look like real.. and i like it very much.. good luck 4 ur next movie
Akuryou on 18 July 2001

This one truly deserves the highest rating!
Amazingly beutiful! Makes me wanna go to Malaysian today!
Azel on 6 July 2001
Wow !
I didn't know it was done with Lightwave !
Really great job, and by the way very motivating for me, THANKS !
Martial Law on 17 June 2001
The Visual is incredible. Very good shading. But, as almost all the "modeler/shading guys", the animation was very simple, strange, and very, very esquesite.
The man walking, walk like a sick mummy.

Improve the animation, and the movie will Rulez ! Push the animation to the level of your shading/texturing and modeling.

My 2 cents.

world's time on 3 June 2001
Excellent work.
Everything seems so real especially at the beginning of the show... the warm sun and the coconut tree --> WOW! so fantastic
The effects during the water being taken from the well is the very nice work.
3D animation movie produced and Malaysians are proud of you!!!
cris on 28 April 2001
wow, i love this 3d animation...the textures, shadows, reflections, models,....all...good job dude!
Tevin The Black Coder on 7 April 2001
This guy raised the name of Malaysia. A 3D genius in the making. Keep it on dude, I'll be watching you ! ! !
3xisTenZ on 4 April 2001
Excellent job there mate!
Ian on 1 April 2001
Voxxer, the guy who did this *did* win an award: The Asia-Pacific MSC Information Technlogy & Telecommunications Award in the category "Best of Creative Multimedia".

(I was at the awards ceremony as a judge for a different category.)
weng, london. on 1 April 2001
I must say it's a tremendous effort done! This could very much be a stepping stone for other talented animators thru out the country to produce world class animation of this kind!
keep up the good work, Taj.
alms on 1 April 2001
fantastic, a work worthy of mention.
a true malaysian depicting a real event.
eSpeeD on 1 April 2001
Imagine and impression about the village lifestyle at Malaysia. Why not try some city lifestyle in Malaysia by using 3D too?
Well done!! And can be more better and smooth. Keep going on... Think to make 3D movie in Malaysia?
miss jackson on 29 March 2001
The opening was cool man! Setting looks really real. Man's a bit haggard stiff but still seem quite real. Mo sound pls? And oh, when's the continuation - I'll keep checking - but no pressure intended here. Bet you're gonna get better at this - share some tips, esp on the software you are using.
McCoy, Roy on 26 March 2001
i'm kind of shock after i saw MF, coz it's whole lot better than LICT 'bird' commercial which is really sucks.
eloy on 21 March 2001
espero y sea grato.
cband on 4 March 2001
I can appreciate the effort that went into making this, but I also think it's an excellent example of the problem with photo-realism in computer animation. The look of it is beautiful but the motion of the figure is very stiff and floaty. I think it's due to inconsistancy of small details in the figure's movement. We tend to overlook these in abstracted figures but there's no hiding it in photo-realism. Still, it was a nice effort!
aku on 1 March 2001
he is great
FooLman on 23 February 2001
Hey, this guy has seriously too much free time :) Or he is just a genious! or both...
This one has to be downloaded. And he's using LightWave6, Un-***-Believable!!!
John on 21 February 2001
Very ordinary - whats the point.
gap on 13 February 2001
Segga on 10 February 2001
Amazing! Amazing! Amazing.
He is a Malaysian Student. Malaysia Boleh
Voxxer on 5 February 2001
If you are gonna download 1 movie from the net...
That guy who did it should get an award of some "amature" movie (if you can call him that)