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Mairead a Dannagh

3.57/5 (95 votes)
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donwloadUploaded on 11/1/01
This animation is the introduction to a future short. You will find all info about it and how it was done on the web site
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dat48 on 10 October 2007
Atmospheric - thanks for letting us download and see
Jack on 8 September 2004
Is there a larger version of this? I had to "2x" it to see anything really, and that distorted the images.

Perhaps a 480X192 version?
edem on 7 July 2002
I can say only few words

Frank Haili on 7 September 2001
Here are the subtitles (in English)

"The star, landed on the extinguished world, went on shining.

Extinguished unatural things,
Empires, blood, follies,
Until the futur once unveiled,
At last fell silent.

Places do remember.
But till now have been silent.
They let it to the creatures the care to reveal
What the Earth with Itself had cast to sleep.

Those whom memory has since named
The Children of Mists".
Pulse5 on 20 August 2001
The animation was very nice, surrealistic and i loved the textures. The voice sortof brought memories of the movie Legend for some reason with that weird voice....

One bad thing about it is as mentioned above, the horse movement, though the modeling was good, the animation was just a bit off.

I would like a english version though, so i could know whats going on :) and hopefully the final version comes out in higher resolution...

Good work.
Jerome on 5 February 2001
Here are the subtitles (in French)

"L'étoile, posée sur le monde éteint, continuait de briller.

Choses contre nature éteintes,
Empires, sang, folies,
Jusqu'au futur jadis dévoilé,
Enfin se turent.

Les lieux se souviennent.
Mais jusqu'alors se taisent.
Laissent aux êtres le soin de se révéler
ce que la Terre avec Elle avait endormi.

Ceux-là que la mémoire nomme depuis
les Enfants des Brumes".
Voxxer on 3 February 2001
If I should say something negative here's it:
1. I couldn't read the sublines :(
(tiny and probably french (no offence frenchguys))
2. I thought the "horse" movment was a little strange....
But that's it...
And there's a whole lot of more in this vid that compensates for it......DOWNLOAD!
Loïc Surprenant on 15 January 2001
There is a lot of work in the clip I am sure !

But there is a lack of the sound ok the voices and the tiny script that we see , who explain's
the story . When we see the clip , it dosen't make much sense to me . Maybe you could put the script on the page before we see itthe clip.

But the 3D is Great !!!!