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Java Noir

3.52/5 (81 votes)
Downloads : 12090
donwloadUploaded on 10/2/01
In this spoof of 40s noir films, Dennis the dog plays a world-weary veteran just back from WWII. Tired of drinking Uncle Sam's "fresh-perked monkey mud", all he wants to do is have a nice, hot cup of coffee. Before long, he's caught up in a twisted web of obsession and betrayal, as he vies with the dark forces of the Java underworld for a mysterious sack of coffee beans. Will Dennis prevail over mobsters, hit men, and a dangerous, straw-carrying Femme Fatale?
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G1 on 28 October 2002
Good to the last drop!!! Edgar G. Robinson and Sam Spade move over there's a new dog in town.
Winterblue on 17 February 2001
Really excellent
Voxxer on 11 February 2001
Great "40s feeling" good animation..Good ending..