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Beware of the Spiders !
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DAT48 on 17 December 2006
Well done - thanks for letting us download.
thomas_4d on 9 August 2001
got a animation job from this showreel :)

JOY :)
TommyTune on 10 April 2001
Overall it was OK but the back ground music was too loud, it took away from it.
walcat64 on 9 April 2001
The movie was great, the voices sound a tad familiar, can't say where I've heard them before.
I know stuff all about the mechanics of animation, but I do know what I like and dislike. The kids and I love a good animated flick, they make me watch them often enough. I can see the work you've put in with very limited resources. The result is pretty good. Your discipline, work ethic and development are self evident.

I agree with several of the comments. You can't set up the story line for Ben Hur in 3 minutes.
You need to keep the story light, bright and tight. You should run off way into left field, pick a topic, then go ballistic. There is no such thing as "way over the top".
You not only want to attract their attention, you want to blow their head clean off their shoulders.

The credits are good, let them be your signature, the more they infuriate people the better. They break the ice.

Finally good luck with your next one and hi de hi heidi.
Dave on 26 March 2001
Just a few comments from someone that is trying to get employed as an animator. Personally I think you have done a good job. This is your first attempt and its a good start. The thing is...its just that. You have shown that you have the abilities there, you just need to refine them. I would definatly look at your lighting and textures, they could do with the most improvement as far as the look goes. You have shown some abilities at animation... and lets be honest.. Inspire is one hard package to animate with. I would surgest you get Messiah. This will make your life easier and let you animate freely.

For the future I would stay away from sci-fi. Employers get maybe 10 demos a day with 80 percent of them including space ships and the like. There's hundreds of tuts and models out there and you could of easily followed a tutorial.

Make you work STAND OUT.

just my 2 pence

Halle on 9 March 2001
Did you do all this with inspire ???
I would like to get in touch... em@il me !
john on 9 March 2001
I'm not a professional: just a viewer so I can't
advise abt how to enter the field. I was quite
impressed by the anim & I don't think your credits
were obnoxius.

If there are some many good 3D animators out there
how come there are so few good sci fi/ horror movies
made each year??? With a bit more work maybe you could
get a showing on that TV program for new artists
showing their stuff? Its on the sci-fi channel.
Voxxer on 28 February 2001
The allmighty Voxxer is about to speak:
Nothing wrong with self esteem(se) (but don't push it like the example I put above)
(or didn't I get what you ment)

A word of advice:
1.Take critic from real people/have a realtime chat so you could have constructive critic.....or
2.Prepare for though critic dealing with anonymous
thomas_4d on 28 February 2001
I agree thank you for your coments joy:)
Hmm? on 27 February 2001
You're off to a good start, but if your going to request comments from professionals, then you shoudn't defend the work and be ready to get punched a few times. This a really TOUGH business and very competetive for good jobs. You are still very inexperienced and it shows, but you have completed the first step toward a career in cgi animation. Yes you're going to be much better someday, but now is the time to be open to critique.

You're trying much too hard to sell the fact that it's your first project and using the sympathy approach. That won't go far with other animators who have paid their dues, ten times over. Just quit justifying how great you did for your first time and start on the next project while it's all fresh in your mind. Believe me, in a year from now, you'll look at this project and think how naive you were. If you don't, you haven't got better.

Use this short as a learning experience and move on to the next one, which will be better. You have proved that you know how to use the computer, now work on storytelling, surfacing, motion, and the key details that will make you shine for prospective employers. In this business, you will have a better shot at employment initially, if you specialize at first in a particular area. ie: modeling, lighting, animation, etc. You're on your way, but remember, this first project was just school and now you've graduated. You're lucky that you only spent 6 months there, when some of us spent 4 years.

We're waiting for the next one! Good luck.
thomas4d on 27 February 2001
yes i do need to get my animation to flow abit better but i didn't known i could even make a animation of this type with what i have
(inspire3d & ulead media) any way that's for the comments ( i wish you left you email )
thanks most joy :)
Jedi on 26 February 2001
You have some good ideas in there. I don't claim to be perfect in my animation ways, but you still have a lot of bugs to work out. It's not to get you mad, you just need to learn a bit more before you'll land a job. The modeling is excellent, textures too. You movement though is too stiff and slow. I had that same problem. Lay off the Star Wars sounds too, take a cue from the trilogy and create your own sounds by modifying real world recordings. I noticed the door sounds and the at-ats walking right off. Good Luck!
Bishop on 25 February 2001
looks good, spend a little more time modeling the ship, your audio also sounds unprofessional, you might try adding a filter, and make some changes to the joints and color variations on the spider..
Keep at it tho..

v on 25 February 2001
nice first attempt, but your character animation need some more work.
Romain3d on 24 February 2001
Cool anim. Didn't think all that could be done with inspire. If you were able to do all that with Inspire, I'd love to see what you would do with LW 6.5.

Thanks for sharing.
Lee on 24 February 2001
Great job!!
nixx on 23 February 2001
FX cewl

story is crap tho

keep up da good work, and find yourself a good director...

thomas4d on 23 February 2001
sorry, but i see alot of people not liking the credits on most of the animation & film here & all over the net come on, i spend 5 month to make this film it's my first but hay i should be able to put my name and some info on it, please post your wonderfull animation and show us how's it's done 1 or don't you have one ? or can't do one !!!? i don't see your email address
most joy too all enjoy the animation
peter thomas :)
My Eyes Hurt on 22 February 2001
Robots, Lightsabers, spaceships, and obnoxious credits... oh my.
Jok on 21 February 2001
Very nice, i'm waiting for your next little movie ;o)
Jakub on 20 February 2001
A good first effort. Extra brownie points for including the wife. Keep up the good work.
thomas4d on 20 February 2001
it's excellent mainly because i made it
but i think it's excellent please gie me your comments ?